
School Photos - Opening Day 24-25
Two students smile on the first day of school
Students wait outside the building on the first day of school
A boy runs into school with his blue backpack on
Five students smile big in front of a Welcome Back to School banner
A mom talks with a Booth Fickett staff member at the front desk
School Photos - UofA Field Trip
Booth-Fickett middle school students took an exciting field trip to the University of Arizona to explore their new semiconductor lab! They made history as the first group of students to tour the lab, capturing their journey on film for a University of Arizona recruitment project aimed at sparking interest in the semiconductor industry. Thank you to the University of Arizona for the fun and exciting day and for choosing Booth-Fickett students to be part of such an important production!
A group of students wearing white lab coats and blue hair nets
A student looks through a piece of lab equipment
A lab technician explains the equipment to students
A student looks through a microscope
Students learn about what to expect on their field trip
School Photos - Opening Day at our School
A Booth-Fickett student eagerly raises her hand during the first week of school.
A Booth-Fickett student enjoys lunch with her friends during the first week of school
Students smile while building with blocks during the first week of school
A student has fun running during recess.
Two girls give peace signs on the Booth-Fickett campus